All for Her Master Page 14
‘You may go,’ he told them. ‘I’m sure the new girl is eager to continue her tour.’
Constance was far more eager to remain in his company, as she ached to accommodate his cock in her hot pussy. But she would just have to forego that pleasure, for the time being at least.
The afternoon continued its eventful course by the swimming pool, where Constance attracted the attention of a sunbathing master. In full view of at least a dozen others, he ordered her to pull down his swimming trunks and masturbate him. He seemed surprised by her lack of hesitation to comply – as Barbara explained to Constance, later, all but the most uninhibited of slaves needed a little time and encouragement to enter into the true spirit of the Playground.
She squatted between his thighs, smiling as she skilfully pumped his cock with her right fist. When he climaxed, she milked his thick cream over her breasts and cleaned him off with her tongue.
‘You’re going to love it here,’ Barbara said afterwards. ‘It’s not every girl takes so easily to behaving like a complete slut.’
Constance accepted the compliment with a smile. ‘If you’d called me a slut a month ago, I’d have slapped you across the face. Must be the ambience.’
‘It’s your true nature revealing itself,’ the blonde woman replied. ‘Outside, in so-called respectable society, that’s where we’re really slaves. We’re forced to behave in a certain way and hide what we really are. I’d love to live like this all the time, naked and uninhibited, as nature intended, but I can’t. I’m an upstanding member of society. A lady. It would hardly do for my master to bring me to dinner parties on a leash.’
Constance laughed. With the cold semen of one man drying on her breasts, the aftertaste of another in her mouth and the streaks of a caning on her backside, she was more content than she had felt in a very long time.
At precisely six that evening, eleven naked slaves were lined up for inspection in the courtyard of the hotel. As the new girl, Constance stood apart from the others. Barbara had earlier instructed her in the pose required for inspection. She had to stand with her legs wide apart, her hands behind back, her chest thrust out and her head bowed. She must not look a master in the eye, unless spoken to.
KT and three other men, each dressed in a three-piece pinstriped black suit and carrying a cane, moved along the line of girls, carefully scrutinising each. Once the ritual was completed the girls were commanded to bend over. Each then received three strokes of the cane across her bare buttocks. Then it was time for Constance to be inspected.
‘What do you think?’ KT asked the master in dark glasses, as they scrutinised her like a mannequin in a shop window.
‘She’s good with her mouth,’ he replied. ‘I took her to my room earlier.’
‘Quite a horny bitch,’ mused KT.
‘She has a lovely arse,’ observed one of the other men, kneading her buttocks with a gloved hand. ‘Good and firm. Able to take plenty of the cane.’
‘Most of the men are going to want her tonight,’ said the fourth man. ‘I think the democratic thing would be to raffle her.’
‘I have a better idea,’ said KT. ‘All those who want her can play for her in a snooker competition. The highest break wins.’
The other three men agreed that this was an excellent idea.
‘What do you think, slave?’ KT demanded.
Constance raised her head. ‘I think it’s a wonderful idea, master.’
He grinned. ‘Of course you do. Right, there is one more item of business to be taken care of before dinner. The small matter of Miss Stickyfingers in room eight.’
As if on cue, the curly-haired slave was marched out into the garden by two masters. One gripped the chain attached to the iron collar around her throat. The other tugged a leash attached by steel clips to her outer labia.
‘You look exhausted from playing with yourself all day,’ KT sneered. ‘Well, girl, what do you have to say for yourself?’
‘I’m sorry, master,’ she blurted miserably. ‘I didn’t mean—’
‘Didn’t mean to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night and play with yourself?’ he exclaimed loudly. ‘Could you not control your urges? Is that what you mean?’
She nodded. ‘Yes, master.’
‘Well, if you can’t control yourself, you shall have to be controlled.’
He walked across to where a briefcase lay on the grass, opened it and produced a chastity belt made of thick leather. The inside of the belt bristled with conical studs of chrome and was fitted with a black phallus. Tears of shame welled in the eyes of the slave as the belt was placed between her thighs. The phallic plug was pushed up into her anus, then the belt was tightly strapped and padlocked around her waist. KT then produced a set of handcuffs from inside his jacket and manacled her wrists behind her back.
‘You will be released at noon tomorrow,’ he said. ‘By which time I hope you will have learnt a valuable lesson. In the meantime, you won’t be bored. You shall have a companion in your room for the night.’
He walked along the line of bent-over slaves and selected a slender middle-aged woman, with pierced nipples and peroxide blonde hair.
‘You’re quite partial to a nice young lady, aren’t you, Mona?’ he goaded.
‘Yes, master.’
‘Then take her to room eight. She’s yours for the night. See to it her tongue is well exercised.’
While the masters enjoyed dinner in the dining room, waited upon by half a dozen slave girls, the slaves took their meal in the downstairs kitchen like servants from the Victorian era. Constance could not concentrate on the food, nor the conversation of her fellow slaves. She was too excited by thoughts of the night ahead. Though there was no shortage of available females in the resort, she knew she was the star attraction.
The snooker competition for her took place in the games room, a total of nine masters participating. Constance sat nearby, anxiously watching the proceedings. Eventually there was only one combatant remaining unbeaten.
‘Well, well, this must be my lucky night!’ smiled the master with dark glasses, stepping towards her. ‘This is the first time I’ve won the privilege of breaking in a new slave.’
Constance felt as though the luck were all hers. The master led her to his suite and permitted her to enjoy a drink with him, before leading her to the bedroom.
‘I have a little surprise for you,’ he said as she draped herself provocatively across the bed, admiring herself in the huge round ceiling mirror. ‘One of your fantasies is about to come true.’
A moment later her own husky tones wafted from the speakers of the stereo system. ‘I lie across the bed, naked and wanton, aching for my master. I beg him to take me, any way he pleases. He teases me, slowly revealing himself, urging me to beg for it, like the tramp that I am. He is big, mean and handsome. His cock is the most magnificent creation I have ever seen. He touches it to my lips, my breasts, my thighs, but I am forbidden to touch it. I can’t help myself. I reach for it. My lack of self-control angers him. He turns me over and spanks me hard, whacking me until my bottom is as red as sunburn. Then he handcuffs me to the head of the bed and blindfolds me, denying me the sight of his lovely big cock sliding past my lips and down to the back of my throat.
‘He thrusts into my mouth in the same way as I long for my sex to be filled, his balls smacking against my chin. I want to suck him dry, drink down his come like wine, but he is a cruel and patient master. Instead of giving me what I want so badly, he takes his cock out of my mouth and begins beating my breasts with a leather strap. I scream from the pain and frustration.
‘How he tortures me! He screws me half-crazy, then abandons me for what seems an age. When he returns he torments me further, rubbing his hard sticky cock over my body, smacking my face with it. I have never known a man with such ruthless self-discipline. How can he resist me, lying naked and begging for it?
‘What seems like a lifetime later, he finally does take me, ramming deep into me like a wild animal, fondling my aching breasts and buttocks. He comes deep inside me, filling me to overflowing with a hot, creamy flood of his lovely spunk. Afterwards I lick his cock clean and keep on licking until he is hard again. Then it’s the turn of my mouth to be taken once more.
‘I have never known such pleasure. All night my masterful stud takes me, again and again. Even when my handcuffs and blindfold are removed I remain his helpless slave. He can do anything he pleases with me. Anything…’
Chapter 12
Constance was woken by a slant of sunlight through the blinds of the bedroom window. For a moment she thought she had been dreaming, but then she saw the sleeping figure of her master beside her. Her eyes travelled down along his hard-muscled dark-haired body to the tube of his cock, curled like a sleeping snake over his right thigh. Even at rest, it was the most magnificent specimen of manhood she had ever seen. Her aching pussy bore testament to its potency.
She realised that she knew next to nothing about the man with whom she had so delightfully enacted her fantasy. All he had told her was his name – Jonathan Covington. Constance had not pressed him for further information. After all, she was just a slave, a casual screw won in a snooker tournament. As soon as he woke up he would probably throw her out of his bed.
She could not take her eyes off the sleeping beauty of his cock. She hungered for it yet again. Almost instinctively, she slid down along the bed and kissed it lightly. Covington did not stir. She nuzzled his dark pubic curls with her tongue, then rolled it sensually up along the length of his flaccid shaft. One of her own dark pubic hairs was stuck to the purple crown. She removed it with her tongue, then gently lifted his cock from his thigh and wrapped her lips around the swollen head.
The master stirred and grunted softly as his member stiffened in her mouth. By the time he opened his eyes Constance was completely engrossed in the task, her golden hair cascading over his thighs and her head bobbing slowly up and down as she lovingly administered to his morning glory.
He lay back, sighing blissfully, hands behind his head, right up to the moment of climax. The flood of semen that gushed to the back of her throat surprised Constance, considering the copious amounts he had deposited throughout the course of the night.
Shortly afterwards she reluctantly returned to her room, where she showered and studied the trophies of her first day as a slave. Her buttocks glowed angrily from being thrashed and spanked, and her breasts, belly and thighs were streaked with several lesser shades of red.
Having dried herself off, she made her way downstairs. Another full day at the Playground lay ahead and she would doubtless be required to attend to the needs of several more masters.
‘Your name is on the duty roster for tonight,’ Barbara told her at breakfast. ‘Four more masters are arriving and there’s going to be a welcoming dinner. You’ll be one of the serving girls.’
‘Serving girls. Like a waitress, you mean?’
Barbara smiled. ‘Something like that. How was last night?’
Constance sighed. ‘Wonderful. I can honestly say I have never experienced anything like it.’
‘Master Jon is a wonderful lover,’ Barbara agreed.
Constance felt a momentary twinge of jealousy and hurriedly changed the subject. ‘What exactly am I supposed to do now, after breakfast?’
‘Go for a walk, a swim – whatever. Just make sure you’re in the gym for midday. Slave training.’
Constance arrived ten minutes early, eager to discover exactly what slave training entailed. KT was already waiting, looking positively intimidating in knee-high boots, tight black leather trousers and a low-peaked leather cap. A wooden whip with a thick tongue of leather was gripped in his right fist.
‘So gratifying to see an eager slave,’ he greeted. ‘Master John reports favourably on last night’s performance.’
Constance blushed slightly. For some reason she had not expected him to share the details of their night together.
‘Oh, yes, your fantasies have proved inspiring to many of the masters in the Playground,’ he continued. ‘Right, let’s begin making you into the perfect slave I know you long to be. I was going to start you off on the exercise bike, but I’m told you’re already familiar with that, so let’s see how you fare on the rowing machine.’
With an encouraging flick of the whip to her tender buttocks, Constance mounted the exerciser. The hard wooden seat dug painfully into her nether cleft, but she suspected that would soon be the least of her discomforts. She stretched her legs straight out in front of her and KT secured them with leather straps. A pair of thin silver chains with steel clips on the end were attached to the oars. Constance winced as the clips were fastened to her nipples.
‘Row, slave,’ KT barked, flicking his whip across her breasts.
Constance gripped the oars tightly and began to row. Every outward thrust of the handles drew the chains taut and the steel clips tugged agonisingly on her nipples. The relief when she drew the oars back was incredible.
‘Come on, put some effort into it,’ KT snarled, striking her buttocks with the whip. ‘Imagine there’s a big, juicy cock waiting to be sucked at the end of your journey. You don’t want to keep your horny master waiting, do you?’
Constance whimpered, straining to redouble her efforts and telling herself that this was the price to be paid for the pleasure of the previous night. Her nipples throbbed mercilessly and the seat felt as if it were splitting her in two. She would have given anything to go back on the exercise bicycle.
Only when she was sweating and crying for mercy did KT finally free her from the machine. She was given a few minutes to recover, then ordered to lie back on a bench and pump iron, using the pulleys mounted on either side. As she strained with this fresh fitness sadism, KT took a long wooden lance from a rack on the wall. Mounted on one end of the lance was a long and thick pink dildo. As Constance pumped iron with every ounce of energy remaining, he thrust the dildo up between her thighs, in time with the up and down movements of her arms.
The press-ups that followed were marginally less strenuous. Crouching over a dildo sprouting like an obscene black flower from the floor, she managed twenty-six press-ups. At the end of each, several inches of the dildo penetrated her. KT added a lash of his whip each time she rose up, for good measure. At this stage several masters had gathered to watch the entertainment, even though it was available live on the TV screens in their rooms.
Once he had finished putting her through her paces in the gymnasium, KT patted her on the head, pronounced her a good slave, and decreed that she could have the rest of the afternoon to wander round at her leisure – because she certainly wouldn’t have any leisure later that evening.
The welcoming dinner for the new arrivals commenced at eight. Constance was one of four serving girls attending to the twenty-six men seated at the long dining table. All four maids wore an identical uniform, consisting of a small, lacy white cap and short black dress, with cutouts to leave their breasts and buttocks on full display.
As Constance leant over to serve soup to one master, the man seated next to him slipped a hand between her thighs. Startled, she overturned the soup bowl, spilling the contents over the other man’s dinner jacket.
‘Clumsy cow!’ he roared, leaping to his feet. ‘My jacket is ruined!’
‘I’m so sorry, master,’ she blurted.
‘You will be,’ he barked. ‘Turn around.’
Before the rest of the men around the table, Constance had her bare bottom spanked vigorously. The man did not stop until his arm grew tired, by which time her cheeks were blazing red and felt like they had been scalded with boiling water. He then sat back down and she resumed her duties.
Throughout the evening the men continued to fondle and molest her freely and she received several m
ore slaps to her throbbing cheeks. One man ordered her to suck his cock while he was eating dessert. While she was carrying out the command, another penetrated her with his finger, tickling her clitoris until she climaxed.
She was glad when the meal finally ended. She had hoped that Covington might choose to spend the night with her again, but he had not even spoken to her since she left his room. She knew she had no right to have expected anything more, but that did not stop her from nursing the forlorn hope that she had meant more to him than just a one-off night.
The after-dinner festivities took place on the floodlit front lawn of the Playground. They began with a nude wrestling match. The two volunteer combatants were covered in body oil and blindfolded, before being marched into the ring. They would wrestle until one submitted. The prize for the winner was the choice of which master she would spend the night with. The loser would be whipped and forced to lick the boots of three masters.
The wrestling was followed by a sack race. Four slaves crouched in bulky black canvas sacks that reached their throats and were bound by lengths of thick rope. They hopped from one end of the lawn to the other, the masters encouraging them with cheers and whiplashes. Once again, the winner was allowed to choose her master for the night.
None of the slaves were forced to take part in these events, but there was no shortage of earnest volunteers. Being allowed to choose one’s master was a rare privilege, and one well worth striving for – which was why Constance held up her hand when KT called for three volunteers for the ‘hen race’.
The three ‘hens’ were ordered to squat on the lawn. Their hands were then roped behind their backs and rubber chicken masks pulled over their heads. A box of eggs was brought from the kitchen and three empty cartons placed several yards in front of the slaves. A master carefully inserted an egg in the pussy of each hen, then KT commanded them to go to their boxes and ‘lay’.